
Using extensive mycotoxin data to better manage risk

27-03 | |
Photo: Cargill
Photo: Cargill

Mycotoxin contaminations are inherently dynamic, varying significantly by year and geography, even between neighbouring countries. While interpreting contamination trends over large regions is insightful, the ability to conduct geographically precise analyses is far more beneficial. However, achieving this precision requires a database with a vast quantity of results to ensure real significance and true interpretability.

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Since 2021, Cargill has shared its World Mycotoxin Reports with the industry, based on Cargill’s proprietary, world’s largest, mycotoxin contamination database. The 2024 report, based on more than 400,000 analyses from raw material samples collected worldwide, provides insights into mycotoxin contamination levels in global agricultural markets. This extensive dataset enables detailed examination of mycotoxin contamination trends, crucial for anticipating risks and implementing effective preventive measures.

Major contamination patterns for high level control plans

With 4 years of detailed study on global mycotoxin contamination trends, we can affirm that there are major contamination patterns with well-marked regional specificities. These trends are primarily explained by the specific climatic conditions of these regions that favour the development of fungi and trigger the release of mycotoxins.

High temperatures can elevate certain mycotoxin prevalence, like fumonisin (FUM) which increases under warm and dry conditions or aflatoxin (AFL) which thrives in warm and humid conditions. Cold fronts and floods may favour zearalenone (ZEN), deoxynivalenol (DON), and T2 toxin prevalence. Crop flowering and maturation also influence mycotoxin contamination, as early flowering and maturation can favour DON prevalence.

While 2024 contamination patterns align closely with 2023, understanding these trends allows for pragmatic mycotoxin control planning based on the primary risks in each region.

Figure 1 – 2024 Deoxynivalenol performance risk levels in North America.

Detailed analysis and regional variations

The power of a database with more than 400,000 analyses per year allows for a finer study with a more precise mesh and significant data at the country, state, and regional levels. For example, in North America, DON contamination in 2024 varies significantly between states/provinces (Figure 1).

At the continental level, the levels are similar between 2023 and 2024. However, zooming in on a particular region reveals significant differences. For instance, the performance risk levels observed on corn grains and by-products in Minnesota in 2023 and 2024 show notable variations (Tables 1 and 2).

In this example, the greater mycotoxin pressure in 2023 may be attributed to notable weather extremes, including the third snowiest winter on record. The temperatures varied significantly, with very cold winters and warm summers, which are particularly conducive to mycotoxin development.

Identifying global and local mycotoxin contamination trends

The perspective we have on contaminations allows us to identify high-level profiles by world region with major trends. A global vision is good for knowing the main contamination risks inherent to the region and its climatic conditions. However, be careful not to fall into the too simple trap of one size fits all. There are notable disparities within each of the major regions of the world. These disparities underscore the importance of a sufficiently large analysis database, segmented by country and even by region within countries, to draw meaningful conclusions.

Combined with advanced analysis tools, Cargill’s exclusive mycotoxin contamination database enables the identification of global and local trends in mycotoxin contamination. It provides actionable insights and guidelines for mycotoxin management, making informed decisions about raw material sourcing, optimising control plans, and adjusting risk mitigation strategies.

For a full analysis of 2024 mycotoxin trends, download the Cargill 2024 World Mycotoxin Report at www.mycotoxins.com


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