Attend our webinar on “Antibiotic Reduction” which will be hosted on September 30 at 15:00 CET below.
“These days it is far from common to apply large amounts of antibiotics in pig or dairy production for prophylactic reasons. The international trend is even to also bring the use of curative antibiotics as far down as possible. That doesn’t mean, however, that animals don’t get sick anymore. On the contrary, with the withdrawal of large amounts of antibiotics, it becomes extra clear in what situations the animals require a bit of extra care. In a special webinar themed “Antibiotic Reduction,” All About Feed will explore various ways in which both pigs and dairy cows can be helped so they manage to grow healthily without the usage of antibiotics.”

Product Manager at Intracare

‘Practical antibiotic-free solutions for spirochetal diseases of swine and cattle’
- Common spirochetal diseases in cattle and swine
- The impacts of these diseases in the species
- The rise in antimicrobial resistance of spirochetes
- The non-antibiotic solutions Intracare has for the management and treatment of these diseases

Manager Global Technical Support at Darling Ingredients

‘Enabling antibiotic and zinc reduction with Functional Animal Proteins‘
- Reducing antimicrobial use is necessary to protect public health.
- To prevent infection and promote health biosecurity is necessary and good feeds are critical.
- Feed can promote health and improve gut and animal resistance.
- prevent that pathogens infect the animals or disturb the gut microbiota.
- SDPP is used to overcome the challenges at weaning, and to refrain from antibiotic and Zincoxide use. SDPP prevents diarrhea, and stimulates feed intake and growth after weaning.

Chief advisor at Danish Agriculture & Food Council

‘Antibiotic reduction in the Danish animal production – challenges and possibilities‘
- Progress in antibiotic reduction
- Challenges from the new legislation
- Potential effect of the Zink-oxide-ban

Vincent ter Beek
Host and Chief Editor Pig Progress