The upcoming All About Feed webinar on Antibiotic Reduction will take place at 15.00 CET on Thursday 16 December.
Join this live webinar, registration is free! Antibiotic reduction is a major topic in the livestock sector and is also an important and serious issue when it comes to human health, due to the existing problem of increased antibiotic resistance and making sure that medicines remain effective in human health.
This webinar will explore the challenges around antibiotic reduction as well as opportunities to move away from antibiotic use in the livestock sector. Livestock disease management and the use of antibiotics has come under the spotlight over the last years and the pressure is on to reduce antibiotics in livestock production and in doing so, it has a direct impact on the human health aspect. But, how do we keep animals healthy while reducing antibiotic usage and what are the alternative solutions, what improvements can be made to address this pressing issue? This webinar will look at some important questions and present on: The Sow – The First Key to Success in Antibiotic-Free Production. In addition it will also dive into the topic of natural betaine, suitable for multi-species application, as a nutritional aid in managing gut health and as part of a nutritional solution in antibiotic reduction strategies.

MSU-Extension Educator for Swine Production
“U.S. Meat/diary industry efforts to reduce use of medically important antimicrobials”
- U.S. farmers and commodity groups recognize importance of global One Health initiatives and are taking steps to help preserve the efficacy of medically important antimicrobials
- Stakeholder surveys conducted post-VFD generally indicate more positives than negatives associated with responsible antimicrobial use programs.
- Emerging technologies/practices to further reduce reliance on medically important antimicrobials.

Senior Technical Manager – Pork Business Team North America at Novus
“The Sow – The First Key Step to Successful Antibiotic Reduction in Progeny“
- The challenges we face optimizing pigs weaned per sow,
- How the sow may well be our first opportunity to overcome these challenges
- How trace mineral nutrition may play a bigger role in those pigs success than you might think

Global Technical Sales and Innovation Manager at Agrana
“Natural betaine- nutritional AID in strategies targeting antibiotic reduction“
Natural betaine is much more than a ‘sparing tool’. As betaine is a multi-functional nutrient, its application can result in multiple benefits:
- on the livestock health status – especially gut health
- better performance
- higher production efficiency