
All About Feed will host a webinar on Mycotoxins on April 6th at 15.00 CET.

Climate change and extreme weather events are factors that influence mycotoxins prevalence around the globe for the last years. Mycotoxins contamination of grains causes economic losses and has negative consequences for the health of all livestock. Mycotoxins management, therefore, has the utmost priority for animal producers. In this webinar, we will discuss the toxicology of mycotoxins in farm animals and the different strategies for mycotoxins prevention and elimination.


Regiane Rodrigues dos Santos, PhD, DVM

Researcher at Schothorst Feed Research

Presentation Title:

Intestinal damage caused by dietary DON exposure in broiler chickens

  • Even below EU recommended levels, DON can harm intestinal integrity;
  • Intestinal damage includes morphologic changes;
  • Altered morphometry in the intestinal villi may result in impaired production performance.

Clement Soulet
Global Anti-Mycotoxins Agents Category Lead,
Strategic Marketing and Technology at Cargill Animal Nutrition Businesses

Presentation Title:

Eroding your bottom line, impacts of mycotoxins

Clement will discuss the negative impacts of low levels of mycotoxins on animal performance, how this negatively influences sustainability, and ways to minimize mycotoxin risks.

Marie Gallissot
Mycotoxins Risk Product Manager at Olmix Group

Presentation Title:

Mycotoxins: all we know is we know nothing?

Climate change is impacting grain harvests every year a little more, with unexpected mycotoxin contaminations. Highlighted with case studies, Marie will discuss the need for agility in mycotoxin risk management, to minimize their impact on animals’ health and performance.

Marieke Ploegmakers
Host and editor All About Feed
