Auburn University in Alabama has broken ground for a already in 2009 announced $6.3 million facility designed to help animal industries ensure production of high-quality feed, university officials said.
Pictured, from left, are John Pittard, president of the Alabama Poultry and Egg Association; William Batchelor, dean of the College of Agriculture; Jay Gogue, president of Auburn University; John Blackwell, president pro tempore of the Auburn University Board of Trustees; Don Conner, head of the Department of Poultry Science; and Johnny Adams, executive director of the Alabama Poultry and Egg Association.
The new Auburn University Poultry and Animal Nutrition Centre, to be built north of Auburn off Auburn Lakes Road, "significantly advances Auburn’s teaching, research and extension efforts in the critical areas of feed science, technology and manufacturing,” said Don Conner, head of Auburn’s Poultry Science Department.
A committee of poultry nutritionists and feed milling personnel provided input on technical specifications for the new facility in an effort to make sure it meets the industry’s needs now and into the future, Auburn officials said in a news release.