Due to the severe frost this winter about 50% of Ukraine’s winter crops will perish – has been estimated by experts of the Ukrainian club of agrarian business.
But at the same time, the situation is not as critical as it was in 2003, when the strong winter had destroyed most of the crops, resulting in an acute shortage of not only feed, but also in food grain production.
"This year the situation is better. We have a large surplus in 2011, and there are excess of reserves that can be used in the current year. It should be enough for domestic consumption for the production of food. However there is no any possible way to avoid the crisis in the national feed market this season, " experts say.
According to Ministry of Agricultural and Nature of Ukraine, winter wheat amounts to an area of 6.5 million hectares, barley–1.2 million hectares, rye–0.3 million hectares and winter rape–0.9 million hectares.
(Vladislav Vorotnikov)