
“EC must follow timelines on GM”

20-01-2016 | |
"EC must follow timelines on GM"
"EC must follow timelines on GM"

The biotechnology industry (EuropaBio), the grain traders (COCERAL) and the feed manufacturers (FEFAC) welcome the European Ombudsman’s decision on their complaint regarding the European Commission’s handling of authorisation applications for genetically modified (GM) food and feed for import and processing.

According to EuropaBio, COCERAL and FEFAC, the European Commission has caused illegal and unreasonable delays in the authorisation process for the 20 applications submitted pursuant to Regulation No. 1829/2003.

Read also:

Interview with FEFAC: “Honest discussion needed about GM feed proposal”

The European feed and food business operators act on a global commodity market, where GM technology is a given. The GMO opt out proposal could therefore jeopardise the future of EU livestock farming. This was stated by Ruud Tijssens, president of Fefac during a panel debate on this topic.

The European Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly decided that between 2012 and 2014 the Commission indeed failed to meet the 3 months legally binding deadline for submitting draft decisions to the Standing Committee and to make its decisions within a reasonable time following the failure of the Appeal Committee to deliver an opinion.

EuropaBio, COCERAL and FEFAC are pleased that the Commission has started approving EFSA risk-assessed GM events for food and feed imports within reasonable time limits again and continue to call for a functioning, evidence-based EU policy on GMOs.

Emmy Koeleman Freelance editor