
New Feed Safety e-learning gives an introduction to HACCP

15-06-2020 | |
Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) is one of the basic systems to ensure feed safety in the production industry. GMP+ International launched a new HACCP e-learning on the principles and implications within the feed production industry.

Every feed company is required to put a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) system in place and is an important part of GMP+ feed safety management system. This new developed e-learning gives an introduction to HACCP. After following this e-learning you understand the basic principles of the HACCP method within the feed industry.

The e-learning focusses on 7 principles that that are necessary to establish, implement and maintain a HACCP plan:

  1. Conduct a hazard analysis
  2. Identify the critical control points
  3. Establish critical limits
  4. Establish monitoring procedures
  5. Establish corrective actions
  6. Establish verification procedures
  7. Establish record keeping procedures

During the course, the 7 Principles are discussed on the basis of practical examples. Starting with buying and receiving raw materials and goes right through to the delivery of the products. By showing photos of different dangerous situations during the production process, you learn how to distinguish 3 types of hazards,

  1. biological,
  2. chemical and
  3. physical and how to act in such a situation.

The target audience of the e-learning are employees of companies in the feed industry for example working as an operator in the production plant. The e-learning can be followed from a laptop or a mobile device and takes about a half an hour. After participation you receive a certificate of completion.

Marieke Ploegmakers Editor: All About Feed
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