
Roxell launches new feeder pan for heavy broilers

25-02-2015 | |
Roxell launches new feeder pan for heavy broilers
Roxell launches new feeder pan for heavy broilers

Roxell is bringing a new feeder pan for heavy broilers to the market. This feeding system was developed for broilers weighing more than 6 lbs.

Heavy broilers are bred mainly in the US, but also in European countries such as Italy, Germany and Poland. According to Ben Dehaeck, product specialist Broilers at Roxell, it marks an important step for the US market.

Greater feed intake

“In order to meet the specific requirements of these poultry farmers, we developed a pan that meets the need for greater feed intake at the end of the flock. A number of modifications to the existing HaiKoo pan enables the new pan to hold twice the amount of feed compared with the standard pan. Better access to the feed results in better growth results.”

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