
Another challenging year for fishmeal

09-02-2007 | |

The EU has yet to finalise its final 2007 quotas for industrial fishing. According to Managing Director Triple Nine Fish Protein, Nils Christian Jensen, the quotas will be lower at the beginning of 2007 than they were at the end of 2006. This means that 2007 is about to be another challenging year for fishmeal supplies.

“Iceland has been allocated a very small capelin quota,
most of which will be sold for consumption. Right now, Norway may fish for blue
whiting, while Peru is subject to a fishing freeze until April. As a result,
fishmeal supply is limited” said Jensen. In addtion, El Niño is expected in
South America, which will also affect fishing and the fishmeal supply, although
it is not yet known in what way.

Prices remains high
The price level for fish meal has
fallen slightly, but still remains high. Peruvian fishmeal is now five times as
expensive as soy. When it was most expensive, the price was seven times as high.
In price conditions regarded as normal, Peruvian fishmeal costs 2.5 times as
much as soy.
“The rise of fishmeal is still determined by supply and demand,
but at present so many unknown factors affect both supply and demand that we do
not know whether the fishmeal price can be stabilised for any length of time”,
said Jensen.

Related link:
Triple Nine Fish

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