Researchers who have done significant work in swine nutrition can now be nominated for DSM’s Nutritional Sciences Award 2015.
The award, part of DSM’s Bright Science Awards Program, entails €50,000 and is themed ‘Optimum Swine Nutrition for Sustainable Food Production’. Scientists from all over the world who have made major contributions to fundamental or applied research in this field of animal nutrition can be nominated for the award.
A prime requirement is that the candidate’s research must have significantly advanced the world’s understanding and knowledge of key questions in the field specified. An international judging committee will review the nominations and select the winner. Candidates* for the award can be put forward by nomination only. Candidates cannot nominate themselves. It is a requirement of the award that the recipient be present at the award presentation event to receive the award personally and to deliver an award lecture on his/her research work.
Call for nominations
If you want to apply, please contact to receive the nomination form and for further information regarding the award. The nomination form, together with supporting documents should also be sent by email to this address. Closing date is February 15, 2015.
The award will be presented at the 13th Symposium on Digestive Physiology in Pigs to be held in Kliczków, Poland, May 19-21, 2015.
*Employees of DSM and DSM’s subsidiaries and joint ventures, members of DSM’s scientific advisory boards and members of the Nutritional Sciences Award committees cannot be nominated for the award.