The increase mainly occurred through higher pricing and shifts in assortment. Pet food sales dropped 1.4%.
About half of the expenditure is on cat food (+4.1%) and about one billion euros is spent on dog food (+2.5%). Turnover on fish and bird feed has decreased and sales of feed for animals such as guinea pigs and mice saw a slight increase.
When animal service articles also are considered total turnover in the German market on total pet care is around €3.7 billion.
In Europe this equals tot he expences of France (€3,69 billion) and is slightly behind those oft he United Kingdom (€4.06 billion).
If other expences such as breeding and trade of pets, medication, insurances, services like dog trimming, commercials and free time (kennels, dog schools) are also added, the turnover oft he total companion animal market in Germany is estimated at about 6 billion euros.