
Giordano Veronesi honoured by Fefac

14-09-2009 | |
Giordano Veronesi honoured by Fefac

At the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (Fefac) celebrated in Brussels, Giordano Veronesi is elected Honorary Member of Fefac.

Veronesi, President of the Veronesi Group, has actively participated to Fefac activities at a time when the sector was facing crucial challenges and was entering into a new era characterised by the development of a modern EU legislative framework in relation to feed.
Over the past thirty years he made use of his entrepreneurial skills and experience within Fefac work, thus acquiring extraordinary merits to the benefit of the European compound feed manufacturing industry.
Since 2004, he holds the mandate of Fefac Vice-President and he is full member of the Fefac Praesidium.
From 1996 to 2007 he chaired the Fefac Committee “Economic and Environmental Affairs” in charge of following all EU policy and market developments that impact the economic performance and competitiveness of complete feed production. This includes raw material market issues and livestock market developments.
From 1989 to 2001, Veronesi was President of Assalzoo and was subsequently elected Honorary President of the Italian member of Fefac.
He also held, from 1995 to 1999, the position of Vice-President of “Federalimentare in Confindustria” (the food federation within the leading Italian industry Organisation) and in 1998-1999, the position of Vice-President of the “Fondazione Lirica Arena di Verona” (opera of Verona).
Giordano Veronesi is only the 6th holder of the title of Fefac Honorary Member since the Federation was founded in 1959, following Prof. Marcel Vanbelle, Hubert Marek, Carl Brenninkmeyer, André Namur and Franz Josef Juchem.

Dick Ziggers Former editor All About Feed