
KSU and Wenger conduct Indian extrusion workshop

02-04-2010 | |
KSU and Wenger conduct Indian extrusion workshop

Kansas State University and Wenger Manufacturing (USA) will present the Executive program for extrusion processing with a focus on technology and strategic management in June in Tamil Nadu region in India.

The 3-day workshop is tailored for high-level executives from Indian processed food, pet food and aquatic feed companies and is focused on technology of extruded products for the Indian market and strategic management of extrusion-based businesses.
Technology topics are designed to acquaint executives with the latest issues and new developments in processing equipment, specialty processed foods such as quick cooking lentil analog and rice analog products, and aquatic feed and pet food products.
Strategic management topics will focus on developing solutions to help executives hone their skills for increased competitiveness. Areas covered include risk management, strategy formulation and execution, human resource development, marketing and financial management, and other commercial aspects of extrusion-based businesses.
Venue:            Savoy Hotel (Taj Group)
Location:        Ooty (Tamil Nadu, India)
Dates:             June 10-12, 2010
Participants can register for the Ooty program (India module) only or in combination with a US module (at a discounted price) that will be conducted at Kansas State University (Manhattan, KS) on August 1-6.
The U.S. module comprises of a 6-day program with the two days dedicated to interaction with College of Agriculture faculty, field trips to survey the US retail sector, and a hands-on session with pilot-scale extruders demonstrating processing of products such as lentil analogue, aquatic feed and novel pet food.
In the remaining 4 days of the US module, participants will attend the annual KSU ‘Extrusion Processing – Technology and Commercialization’ short course with expert speakers from US industry and academia, and several more hands-on session on pilot-scale extrusion equipment.
Attached is the brochure (pdf file) for the 3-day Indian program.

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