In contrary to previous years, the 2008 edition of the International Feed Expo in Atlanta, USA is much more alive. Important issues such as the higher feed costs and the feed-food-fuel issue is probably the reason why more US feed professionals are visiting this year’s show.
When using
new or alternative ingredients this requires new approaches to recipe
formulation and it is these companies that have busy times at their stands. Also
companies that offer products for better digestion of ingredients attract a lot
of attention.
The first day of the show (Tuesday) was marked
by busy isles and lively discussions at the booths. Remarkable is the large
presence of Chinese exhibitors. After
foreign exhibitors at the show.
The American Feed
Industry Association tries to create awareness among the visitors of the Expo
for better taking care of the environment and the handling of waste. A special
street was reserved fro companies that work in these fields. This so-called
Eco-Innovation street is certainly a subject that will be increased in next
International Feed Expo