
Russia approves 2 GM corn varieties

19-02-2007 | |

Russia recently approved two biotech corn varieties for use in animal feed. “The approvals are part of the World Trade Organization (WTO) ascension agreement between Russia and the United States,” commented Alexander Kholopov, USGC director in Russia.

“The applications had been in process in Russia for two years, but no agency
had the legal power to approve them.”
Russia’s Federal Agency for Veterinary
and Phytosanitary Control (Rosselkhoznadzor) approved the two events, bringing
the total number of biotech events approved in Russia for feed use to six.

“These approvals should facilitate the Council’s efforts to register
U.S. distiller’s dried grains with solubles and other co-products for export to
Russia,” Kholopov added.

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