
SHV buys another 2.3 million Nutreco shares

24-12-2014 | |
SHV buys another 2.3 million Nutreco shares

On December 23rd, SHV holdings bought nearly 2.3 million shares in Dutch feed company Nutreco. They paid an average price of €44.20 per share.

SHV is on its way to acquire the whole company (for €44.50 per share), which is getting more realistic now, since Cargill dropped its offer the day before. In total, SHV now owns 12,593,463 Nutreco shares. This corresponds to 17.93% of its issued capital and 18.75% of the issued and outstanding capital.

An announcement was made on December 20th, that the planned acquisition of Nutreco by Dutch investment firm SHV has been authorised by the European Commission.

Nutreco will hold a shareholders meeting on February 9th, where the offer of SHV will be discussed.

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Emmy Koeleman Freelance editor