UK Animal health has completed its investigation into contaminated feed, concluding that there was no risk to human health.
Animal Health carried out detailed investigations to determine the origin of
the material of animal origin. It established that this material was very low
risk and present at very low levels.
A total of 815 feed samples were
collected and tested, of which 13 proved positive for low level
Temporary movement restrictions imposed on cattle and
sheep on farms which had received the contaminated material have been lifted and
the animals allowed to enter the food chain.
In a statement released last
week Defra said: “FSA advice is that meat from animals which may have eaten the
relevant animal feed should pose minimal risk to public health, provided the
statutory specified risk material (SRM) controls are fully adhered to when the
animals are slaughtered.
“The FSA therefore sees no reason to exclude the
animals placed under restriction as a result of this incident from the food
supply on food safety grounds.”
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