“Our new logo incorporates a performance graph demonstrating our focus on maximising cost-effective and efficient production,” said Vitrition’s Claire Holton.
“We recognise the challenges that the organic market is currently presenting to organic producers. So, there has never been a more important time to concentrate on feed conversions and cost-effective, monitored production.”
Last year Vitrition made a significant investment in a new cooler and crumbler at its dedicated organic mill in Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire.
The new cooler was introduced to support the mill’s exceptional biosecurity record and to increase capacity to keep pace with the busier mill.
The new crumbler has enabled Vitrition to offer customers a "crumbled" product for chicks, pullets and layers, supporting excellent feed intakes.
Farm specific diets
“At Vitrition, we design unique feeding programmes suited to individual farm requirements,” explained Claire Holton.
“Our committed team of organic nutritionists formulate accurately balanced, farm-specific diets to achieve the requirements and targets of individual farms, rather than supplying one diet for all.”
“We appreciate that different breeds have their own requirements and we develop our diets based on the nutritional recommendations stipulated by breeding companies along with practical experience gained by carrying out large and small scale trial work.”
Vitrition has a large product range designed to cater for all classes of livestock. The company is registered with both the Soil Association and Organic Farmers and Growers and is UFAS, Marks and Spencer’s and BEIC accredited.