Join us for a free webinar: discover instant insight in gut health, brought to you by Orffa and Florates.

On April 3rd at 11:00 CEST, our experts will share key insights into gut health and its impact.

Register now to join live for free or watch the webinar later on demand!


Rik Ducatelle,
Emeritus Professor

Presentation subject:
The value of Butyrate Producers for broiler Gut Health

  • Importance of Butyrate Producers and butyrate production for gut health
  • Role of microbial cross feeding in butyrate production
  • How butyrate production in the lower intestinal tract can reenforce the health status of the small intestine
  • How butyrate production can be enhanced by nutritional means

Joost Thijssen,
Co-founder Florates

Presentation subject:
Novel diagnostic tool creates Instant Insight in Gut Health of monogastrics

  • Florates: Innovative & unique method for animal Gut Health with focus on Productivity and Gut Damage
  • Provide insight in the daytoday operations, providing results the next day
  • How does Florates monitoring work in 3 steps: sampling, analysis and reporting
  • Result allow to Compare, Plan and Improve your broiler management

DirkJan Schokker,
Wageningen Bioveterinary research

Presentation subject:
Recent developments in swine microflora and gut health

  • Introduction to Swine Microbiota
  • Key Microbial Species in Swine Gut
  • Factors Influencing Swine Gut Microbiota
  • Impact of Diet on Swine Gut Health
  • Antibiotic Use and Microbiota Disruption
  • Probiotics and Prebiotics in Swine Diet
  • Gut Microbiota and Immune System
  • Recent Research in Swine Microbiota
  • Future Directions in Swine Gut Health Research
